DDC Ready to Respond Question Title * 1. Have you ever done emergency response work for a government agency? Yes No Question Title * 2. If yes, have you done emergency work in New York for a New York agency – State or City? Yes No Question Title * 3. Have you ever done emergency work for the Army Corp of Engineers? Yes No Question Title * 4. Will you pursue this work if the City does not provide indemnification? Yes No Question Title * 5. If you were selected to perform emergency work, would your cash flow allow you to proceed without payment? Yes No For a 45-60 day period? For a 45-60 day period? Yes For a 45-60 day period? No For a 90-120 day period? For a 90-120 day period? Yes For a 90-120 day period? No Question Title * 6. Does your project management and workforce have safety and health training for emergency work? Yes No Question Title * 7. Do you have sufficient bonding to perform emergency response work? Yes No Question Title * 8. Do you have sufficient equipment that would be available under emergency conditions? Yes No Question Title * 9. If yes, Yes No Do own this equipment? Do own this equipment? Yes Do own this equipment? No Do you rent this equipment? Do you rent this equipment? Yes Do you rent this equipment? No Question Title * 10. Do you have available project management and workforce sufficient to perform emergency work? Yes No Done