This test consists of 10 questions. Each question has three possible answers and only one is correct. You need to mark the answer you consider as true. The aim of the test is to evaluate your entrance knowledge and skills to define values, standards and principles of Supported Employment. In order to complete the test successfully you should reach a minimum of 7 right answers. If your score is below 7, you will need to review and learn thoroughly COACH@WORK Module 5. If your score is 8 and above, maybe you are well familiarized with the European dimension of the SE approach.

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* 1. Name, Surname

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* 2. E-mail

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* 3. What does the term “Supported Employment” mean?

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* 4. The model of Supported Employment is ….

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* 5. What are the four main fields of duties and beneficiaries of the future Supported Employment worker?

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* 6. The five stage process of SE includes:

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* 7. Efficient and understandable communication between job seeker and SE worker is needed during the 1st phase of Supported Employment in order to get a basis for further working together and of course a commitment of an agreed action plan. An action plan will include the following points …

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* 8. What type of relevant information is necessary to collect during the Vocational Profiling?

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* 9. The typical actions/activities in between stage 3 + 4 are …

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* 10. What is the suggested model of actions in the stage of Job Support?

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* 11. What are the two key features in working with people with disabilities that lead to assistance attitude towards them?

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* 12. Which association has been engaged in the increasing focus on quality in the supported employment sector?