This test consists of 10 questions. Some questions have three possible answers with only one correct answer and others are true or false.  You need to mark the answer you consider as correct.  In order to complete the test successfully you should reach a minimum of 7 right answers. If your score is below 7, you will need to review and learn thoroughly COACH@WORK Module 2. If your score is 8 and above, may be you are well familiarized with overall requirements.

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* 1. Name, Surname

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* 2. E-mail

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* 3. Oral expression is a person’s ability to express wants, thoughts, and ideas meaningfully using appropriate syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and phonological language structures.

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* 4. The forms of communication can be grouped into two categories: the verbal and nonverbal communication. So:

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* 5. Read a text quickly to deduce the subject is a communication strategy.

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* 6. The Analysis of written text and the summary are the same.

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* 7. The ability to summarize is linked to the ability to understand precisely what is considered essential.

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* 8. As a conclusion of the oral presentation, you should:

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* 9. The following factors affect good oral exposure: Preparation of material, preparation of physical facilities, psychological preparation, audience, personal presentation, punctuality, program oral exposure, develop a script, talk slowly.

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* 10. Using gestures when you talk, helps make your presentation is more boring.

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* 11. The colour yellow helps the legibility of the text when used with transverse colours (Black).

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* 12. Before sending an email: