General information

The project “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe” will gather, analyze, consolidate and widely disseminate the existing data on the impact of cultural heritage – i.e. the social, the economic, the cultural as well as the environmental impact. It will result in a European mapping of both qualitative and quantitative evidence-based research carried out at the European, national, regional, local and/or sectorial levels.

Europa Nostra leads the project in partnership with 5 other organisations, ENCATC (the leading European network on arts and cultural management and policy education), Heritage Europe-EAHTR (European Association of Historic Towns and Regions, UK), The International Cultural Centre (Krakow, Poland), The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC, KU Leuven, Belgium), and The Heritage Alliance (as associate partner from England, UK).
In order to collect as many data and evaluation studies of cases or projects as possible, WE COUNT ON YOU!

Through this tool, you can inform us of studies concerning the socio-economic impact of cultural heritage. Therefore we kindly ask you to fill in this survey for each study separately.

In this tool we ask for bibliographic data and content (impact domain, indicators and methodology) of the study.