Project Description

The 2015 Australian international businesses survey reveals China is among their top three target markets in six out of eight industries but many firms see the lack of knowledge about local language, culture and business practices as a major barrier to their ambitions. Despite this the cultural literacy of professionals, graduates and entrepreneurs from China who already reside in Australia is often overlooked.

This project seeks to understand how Chinese-Australians’ cultural fluency can be used to bridge the gap and boost Australian small and medium businesses’ ability to export to China. Working with business migrants in Melbourne, graduates in Adelaide, young professionals in Perth and import industry professionals in Beijing the project will conduct online surveys, face-to-face workshops and interviews to understand and develop bilingual on and offline resources that tap into these Chinese-Australians’ cultural capital. The main objective is to harness cultural capital already resident in Australia to aid its export ambitions.

This project has been approved by Curtin University's Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC nr. HRE2016-0332).

Question Title

* 1. 1. Are you Chinese from Mainland China living in Australia?

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* 2. what is your current status in Australia?

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* 3. Have you used your connections in/to China to conduct export activities?

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* 4. If yes, how helpful do you think your connections in/to China is for export activities?

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* 5. If not, do you plan to engage in export activities?

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* 6. What products have you exported /do you plan to export to China?

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* 7. 5. How fluent is your Mandarin (Putonghua)?

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* 8. How helpful do you think your knowledge of or familiarity with China’s culture and business practices is for import/export activities?

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* 9. Are you willing to participate in an interview on cultural fluency and export activities with us?

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* 10. How do we contact you?