Public Libraries Post Covid-19 Consultation Survey

The CULC/CBUC Think Tank members will use input from this survey to develop a report with recommendations to support public libraries in their efforts to develop recovery plans and redesigned service delivery post COVID19​. This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

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* 1. What are the most important roles for public libraries in helping our communities recover? (pick 3)

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* 2. In what areas do you think libraries most need assistance from the CULC Think Tank? (pick 3)

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* 3. Do you think libraries should do more or less of these as part of recovery plans?

  More Same Less
Buying digital materials
Buying physical materials
Providing digital storytimes and other programs for children
Providing digital programs for adults
Using phone, TV or alternative mechanisms for delivery of programs/services
Alternative services outside the library facility
Offering computer/device access or lending
Offering virtual delivery of technology support
Advocating for broadband in all communities
Ways to borrow materials outside library doors

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* 4. What are the top three areas libraries should consider as they plan adapting services? (pick 3)

Libraries should:

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* 5. During recovery, the population that is most important for my library to focus on is:

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* 6. Would you like to share other critical considerations for the CULC Think Tank?