
Welcome to the CU at the game survey! I appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey. Please rest assured that all responses are anonymous.

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* 1. My age:

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Connection to CU (check all that apply)

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* 4. How often do you check in with CU at the Game during football season?

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* 5. During the off-season, I check in with CU at the Game

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* 6. What is your primary "go to" source for stories on CU football?

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* 7. What is your interest level in CU Olympic Sports?

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* 8. Your thoughts on the level of coverage at CU at the Game for CU Olympic Sports?

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* 9. What is your interest level in CU men's basketball?

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* 10. Your thoughts on the level of coverage at CU at the Game for CU men's basketball?

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* 11. How much time have you spent in the CU at the Game Archives?

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* 12. What are your thoughts on the CU at the Game polls?

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* 13. What Game Week coverage at CU at the Game do you like best?

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* 14. Those who have signed up for the free email updates receive emails twice per
week during the regular season, then once a week during the off-season. My

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* 15. What is your favorite aspect of CU at the Game?

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* 16. CU at the Game has always been a free site. Would you stay with the site if there was a subscription fee (of say, $25/year)?

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* 17. Do you (or someone you know) have a business which might be interested in advertising at CU at the Game?
If so, and you would like more information, drop me a note below with your email address, or send an email directly to cuatthegame@gmail.com 

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* 18. Do you have any questions or comments about CU at the Game? Any suggestions or complaints which you feel might help make CU at the Game a better website?