Question Title

* 1. First Name:

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Age

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* 4. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 5. Email Address:

Question Title

* 6. Full Home Address:

Question Title

* 7. How long have you lived at this address?

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* 8. Names & ages of everyone living in household

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* 9. List all pets in household (types, sexes, & ages)

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* 10. Name & phone number of your veterinarian clinic:

Question Title

* 11. Are all your pets fixed?

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* 12. Present Proof of either home ownership or landlord approval

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* 13. What do you do for work

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* 14. How many hours are spent working daily outside of the home on average?

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* 15. What is the name, type, color and sex of animal applying to adopt

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* 16. If you don't have a specific pet in mind, or you want us to recommend a pet based off your lifestyle or keep you in mind when we find the perfect one for you, give us a picture or your life and what you're looking for

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* 17. If adopting a dog: how many square feet is your yard and how tall is your fence?

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* 18. If adopting a cat, how many square feet is your home?

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* 19. What is the purpose or reason for wanting this animal?

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* 20. What will you do with this animal when traveling out of town?

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* 21. What would happen to this animal if you lost your job?

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* 22. How much exercise do you think this animal will require and how will you fulfill those needs?

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* 23. How did you hear about our rescue?