Question Title

* 1. How did you participate?

Question Title

* 2. How have you participated in past CROIs? (Select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 3. License(s) or degree(s) (Select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 5. Please select your role at CROI 2023. (Select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. Please describe your participation at CROI 2023. (Select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 7. What is your primary area of interest at CROI? (Pick one.)

Question Title

* 8. Which virus were you most interested in at CROI 2023? (Pick one.)

Question Title

* 9. Number of years you have been working in the HIV/AIDS field.

Question Title

* 10. How many individuals with HIV are presently under your direct care?

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the Opening Session overall.

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor N/A
Value in fulfilling the overall learning objectives for the conference
Value to your clinical, research, or other responsibility
Format of the session
Overall freedom of commercial bias

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the Plenaries overall.

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor N/A
Value in fulfilling the overall learning objectives for the conference
Value to your clinical, research, or other responsibility
Format of the plenaries
Overall freedom of commercial bias