Dear Colleagues,

The Connecticut Psychological Association (CPA) promotes social justice, evidence-based social policy and access to quality psychological services.The purpose of this survey is for us to learn how to make CPA more valuable to you. Your answers will  help us prioritize our advocacy for our profession and clients.

We need to reach out to you for survey data and stories of your experience to support our advocacy. That's how we helped pass the 2019 Mental Health Parity Bill. But you may remain anonymous if you prefer.

Share as much or as little as you want in the comment boxes, and if a question is not relevant to you, or you prefer not to answer, just skip it.

Thank you so much!
Your CPA colleagues

Question Title

* 1. Advocacy:  How important to you is CPA's:

  Extremely important  Important Not that important
Lobbying and advocacy for psychologists and our clients on the range of issues that affect us at the Connecticut State Legislature
Leadership in healthcare reform including implementing the Affordable Care Act.
Advocacy for​ ​prescriptive​ ​authority​ ​for​ licensed psychologists with additional medical training in​ Connecticut.
Lobbying and advocacy for better insurance reimbursement for psychological services.
Lobbying and advocacy for social justice issues.

Question Title

* 2. Please rank your top priorities for CPA social justice advocacy?

Question Title

* 3. These social justice issues were identified in a recent CPA focus group. Please feel free to add your own - please note your #1 priority

Question Title

* 4. Networking/Affiliation: How important is it to you that CPA has:

  Extremely important Important Not that important
Regional meetings
Early Career Psychologist Division
Student Division and student representative as a voting member on the CPA board of directors
Ethnic Diversity Task Force
Forensic Division
Neuropsychology Division
Healthcare Reform Task Force

Question Title

* 5. Professional Assistance: How important is this to you that CPA provides:

  Extremely important Important Not that important
Help with questions about your practice and professional issues
Access to legal support through our Legal Consultation Plan
Providing current and forecasted information about insurance reimbursement for psychologists in CT

Question Title

* 6. Educational Opportunities: How important is to you that CPA offers Continuing Education (CE) events with reduced rates for members:

  Extremely important Important Not that important
At our annual conference
At regional workshops
Through web-based workshops (not yet available)

Question Title

* 7. Marketing Opportunities:  How important is it to you that the CPA website:

  Extremely important Important Not that important
Lists you on our searchable membership directory with contact info, specialties and insurances accepted
Lets you search by specialty for professional colleagues and potential referrals
Lets you search by insurance accepted for professional colleagues and potential referrals
Provides classified advertisements for office space, job opportunities, and training/postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
Lets you promote your practice/organization, including special promotions for CPA's conference and events

Question Title

* 8. Public Service: How important is it to you that CPA provides these public services:

  Extremely important Important Not that important
MindStylz- A mental health awareness collaboration between hairstylists, barbers and our Ethnic Diversity Taskforce
Our Disaster Response Network--CT psychologists, affiliated with the APA and the American Red Cross.
Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program--educates on businesses benefits to increased employee mental health, gives recognition awards
Connecticut Psychological Foundation--enables tax deductible donations to support CPA scholarships and initiatives

Question Title

* 9. Social justice advocacy: How important is it to your choice to belong to CPA that CPA advocates for social justice and civil rights issues?

Question Title

* 10. What is your CPA membership status?

Question Title

* 11. How likely are you to serve/volunteer on CPA boards, committees, or projects in the future?

Question Title

* 12. How likely are you to recommend CPA to others to serve/volunteer on CPA boards, committees, or projects in the future?

Question Title

* 13. How likely is it that you would recommend CPA membership to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 14. Please share why you initially joined CPA.

Question Title

* 15. Please share why you remain a CPA member?

Question Title

* 16. How would you like to get more involved in CPA?

Question Title

* 17. How likely are you to renew your CPA membership next year?