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* 1. Are people with I/DD supported by your organization beginning to receive the COVID-19 vaccine? Please use the space provided to share any insights and experiences.

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* 2. Are direct support professionals employed by your organization beginning to receive the COVID-19 vaccine? Please use the space provided to share any insights and experiences.

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* 3. Does your organization have a clinic scheduled for people you support and employ to receive the vaccine?

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* 4. What roadblocks have you encountered in your efforts to ensure everyone who needs a vaccine (among people with I/DD supported by your organization and DSPs employed by your organization) can get one?

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* 5. What is your name? (This information will be kept confidential and only used in case we need to follow up with you regarding the information shared here.)

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* 6. What is the name of your organization?

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* 7. In what state(s) does your organization provide services?