Welcome to Our Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

A key issue facing Coventry today is the lack of reasonably priced senior (55+) housing in town.  To address this issue, the Town Council formed the Senior Housing Alternatives Study Committee, which is distributing this survey. It is vitally important that the town understand what seniors want in senior housing in Coventry.  This survey is designed to answer specific questions related to senior housing needs.  It is being mailed to households with at least one member over the age of 55.  The results will be used to develop a specific plan for the town to more fully address senior housing needs. Please complete this survey as a household, not as an individual, unless you are a single person household.


We are using survey monkey to tabulate the responses. As such your responses will be kept entirely confidential. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. When you are finished please return it by July 31, 2020.