About This Survey

The following survey is for a study committee of the Nebraska State Bar Association. Please answer the survey questions honestly. Additionally, please only respond to the survey once. Answers to questions are recorded but are anonymous and private. Answers will only be used for research purposes and will only be presented in the aggregate.

Question Title

* 1. What percentage of your practice is devoted to criminal defense?

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* 2. How often do you accept criminal court appointments?

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* 3. Do you currently accept court appointments in (mark all that apply):

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* 4. If you do not take court appointments, please tell us why (mark all that apply):

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* 5. If you currently take court appointments, please tell us why (mark all that apply):

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* 6. Do you feel that the system of appointing counsel is transparent (i.e., the process for getting on the list for court appointments)?

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* 7. Do you believe that the judges follow a rotation system from those on the list for court appointments?

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* 8. In the last year, have you ever had a fee reduced by a judge?

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* 9. In the last year, how often were your fees for court appointed counsel work reduced?

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* 10. If a judge reduced your bill while working as an appointed counsel, were you given a clear explanation as to why?

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* 11. If you disagree with a judge's decision to reduce a fee, do you feel that there is a process to appeal that decision in order to resolve the dispute?

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* 12. In the district(s) you primarily work in, are you aware of or do you know the specific criteria judges follow in regards to the reduction of fees?

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* 13. Other than an appeal to the Supreme Court of Nebraska, would you favor a standardized appeals process in regards to reducing appointed attorney's fees?

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* 14. In an attorney fee appeals system, who would be best for resolving fee disputes?

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* 15. In regards to fair fees for appointed counsel work, what standards are most preferable when assessing how to pay appointed attorneys?

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* 16. Which range of hourly payment would you consider to be fair for felonies?

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* 17. Which range of hourly payment would you consider to be fair for misdemeanors?

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* 18. In some counties, felonies pending bind over to the District Court receive the hourly County Court rate. Should the rate of pay for felonies be the same regardless of which court the case originates?

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* 19. Would you favor more specific qualifications for criminal appointment work? For example, a class A felony requiring additional experience as compared to a class B felony?

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* 20. Please select the top three districts you primarily work in as an attorney (one being the most common)

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* 21. Please state the year you received admittance into the Nebraska Bar

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* 22. Please provide any additional information that may be useful to know in regards to appointed counsel billing and fees