Enhancing Co-operative Business Performance Training:
Strengthen Identity, Loyalty and Participation at Your Co-op

Ready for growth? Ready to move up into a new leadership position at your Co-op? Excited to learn from the experience of leaders from other co-ops in our region?  Want to explore how to leverage the co-op difference for business success?

This professional development opportunity from the Saint Mary’s University International Centre for Co-operative Management and the Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) will be an interactive intensive professional development opportunity focused on learning new practices and leading thinking in co-operative management, coupled with tangible examples of how to translate knowledge into action.  Join lead Instructor Daniel Côté and leaders from co-operatives and credit unions from across the Northeast for this exciting two-day executive education training. 

Who Should Come? Co-op and credit Union Managers and CEOs, Senior Managers, Board Members and Staff.

What to Expect:
  • How to approach the management of a co-operative/credit union /mutual
  • How to leverage your competitive advantage and highlight Co-ops’ unique value propositions and the Co-operative Difference to reach more customers and better serve your members.
  • Co-operative economic trends and how to proactively set up your Co-op to adapt and innovate.
  • A hands-on and practical course that will expand your knowledge of co-operatives. Throughout the course, you are given the opportunity to test concepts, frameworks, and tools on your co-operative or credit union.
  • Learn how to manage the co-operative equilibrium, a model that captures the uniqueness of co-operative organizations, building on the dual nature of a member’s usership and ownership. We will address issues of core values and their purpose, the co-operative business model, and balanced scorecard to lead into discussion of a co-operative equilibrium. Emphasis is placed on the alignment from co-op values to key performance indicators. Cases of cooperatives successfully managing partially or totally this equilibrium will be discussed.
  • Move from a potential identity crisis to the New Co-operative Paradigm (NCP). The traditional co-operative model is being challenged leading to an identity crisis. A model to better understand this reality will be introduced, taking into consideration both co-operative rules and market rules. In response to this state of crisis, an NCP is being proposed, showing how the emerging market rules can be of great advantage to co-operatives. Examine case studies and deep dive into implementation success stories such as the customer orientation strategy.
  • Gain exposure to emerging concepts in the field of management and governance in the context of co-operative enterprises. This course will provide you with tools to better understand the existing culture in your co-operative along with techniques that promote engaged participation by members.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Co-op/Organization Name

Question Title

* 4. Role
(General Manager, Project Manager, Board Member, Marketing Manager, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number 

Question Title

* 6. Email

Question Title

* 7. PAYMENT:  The cost for this training course is $800 USD for NFCA members; $900 USD for non-NFCA members.  Are you an NFCA Member?

You’ll enter payment info after the survey.

Question Title

* 8. Address

Question Title

* 9. City

Question Title

* 10. State/Province

Question Title

* 11. Zip/Postal Code

Question Title

* 12. Number of years in the co-operative system or with a co-operative business:

Question Title

* 13. What I want to take away from this training is:

Question Title

* 14. Dietary restrictions

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate if you have any food allergies, mobility, or health challenges we should be aware of:

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in Greenfield, October 24 - 25th!