CSR Commuter Data Question

We are in the final stretch of calculating our GHG footprint for 2022. As you will recall, this is a critical exercise as it is now a part of our commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions for scopes 1 and 2 by 2030, and actively develop a strategy to begin reducing emissions for our three largest scope 3 emissions categories: emissions from business travel, commuting, and external meetings and events.
Two of the outstanding items have to do with working-from-home energy utilization and commuting. With that in mind, we are asking you to complete the following short survey here.
There are three-to-four quick questions and we appreciate your response by next Friday, April 12th.
Reflecting back on 2022, we recognize that it was a unique year with shifting office expectations, so please do your best to answer as accurately as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at csr@epri.com.

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* 2. What was your employee workplace status for the majority of 2022?

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* 3. How far do you commute to the office?

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* 4. For Hybrid/Full onsite: What is your general mode of travel?

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* 5. For Hybrid/Full remote: What type of energy is used to heat your workspace?