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When you look up salary and compensation comparisons for Frederick, you often get results that include tons of DC/NoVa results. By lumping our regional area in with those markets, accurate averages of compensation data are thrown off. Techfrederick is aiming to support our business community by providing comparative data that is specific to Frederick.

A custom, Frederick benchmarking compensation survey could analyze pay, pay practices, and benefits data and trends for IT, staff and management jobs within our regional Frederick market only.

If there's enough interest from the business community, techfrederick will partner with a compensation consultant firm to gather the data and prepare a compensation report. This report would be a valuable resource to the participating organizations, allowing leaders to strategically create fair, competitive pay and benefits programs for their organizations. Further, insights on region-specific benchmarks are a crucial component to attract and retain the best Frederick area employees.

Complete this 2-minute Survey to tell us that Salary and Compensation Benchmarking for Frederick matters to you.

Question Title

* 2. Please select the option that best describes your total number of full-time employees.

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any 1099 (self-employed independent contractors)? If yes, please enter the total number.

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* 4. What year was your organization established?

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* 5.
Participating in a comprehensive salary and compensation study requires organizational preparation and would require a contact person/department within the company to serve as the contact point. 

This person/dept would be tasked with providing basic company information (ie # of employees, revenue, etc) and would need to have access to job descriptions, compensation and benefits practices of the business. 

Would your organization be able to meet this requirement?

By partnering with an experienced compensation analyst consulting firm, the process will be in strict compliance with Sherman Anti-Trust Regulations governing compensation data use, all survey data will be reported in a summarized manner, where no single organization’s or employee’s pay data will be identifiable.

For example, we will ensure at least five organizations provide data per survey job, no single organization represents more than 25% of data per job and that participant pay data must be more than 3 months old.
The cost for the compensation benchmarking study would need to be shared between techfrederick and the participating businesses.

The fee to participate would include:

  • Access to the custom online data collection tool, making the process much more streamlined for the organization to provide data for submission
  • Option to attend an online demonstration/tutorial for how to complete the necessary study information
  • Consistent engagement with techfrederick and compensation consultants to assist when needed
  • Full access to PDF and Excel versions of custom benchmarking survey report results once they have been compiled
  • A confidential custom Index Reports for each participating organization, illustrating how their pay by survey job title ranks among other participating organizations.
  • Option to attend a webinar once report has been published for business owners, managers, HR representatives to provide an overview of the published survey report and education/training on how to interpret survey results for their organization and inform pay decisions.

Question Title

* 6. Please select the option which best describes your organization's 2021 financial ability to participate in a custom salary benchmarking study and/or add your comments below. Participation costs will likely be determined by organization size. 

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* 7.
If interest levels determine that the study is feasible, please provide the appropriate point of contact within your organization that we should reach out to with more information on how to choose to participate in the study.

Questions? email

Thank You!
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