Common Ground needs your voice! For several months, Common Ground has been working with partners at the Yale School of Public Health and Co-Creating Effective and Inclusive Organizations to develop better tools to gather feedback from our community. We recognize that the adults and families who participate in our programs add a unique voice to this work and we greatly value your feedback.

The information you provide us through this survey will be critically important to building our work plan for the future. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey – it should take about 10-15 minutes, and your responses directly help us become a better organization!

We'd like to note that all responses to demographic questions will be confidential and anonymous, so please answer as honestly as possible.

Thank you so much. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Do you have questions? Feel free to reach out to Joel Tolman ( or Jesse Delia (
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17% of survey complete.