Community ISD Strategic Plan Survey

Community ISD is engaging in a strategic planning process designed to create goals and objectives which will be incorporated into a five-year plan for the District. The Strategic Plan will help ensure that all of our energies and resources are being dedicated to the right areas to guide the District to success.

The mobile-friendly survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is designed to gather feedback from all members of the CISD community, including homeowners, community partners, students, staff and parents.

Results of this survey will be shared with a planning team, which will provide recommendations to the board of trustees. Your input is very valuable and we appreciate you taking time to complete the following survey.

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* 1. From the following list select the top five skills students must learn in order to be prepared for a successful future.

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* 2. From the following list select the top five skills students must learn in order to be prepared for a successful future.

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* 3. From the following list select the top five challenges and/or important issues Community ISD will need to address in the years ahead?

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* 4. Rank the following programs based on their importance in the community and to the overall CISD student experience: (1 being the highest and 10 the lowest)

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* 5. Rate the overall importance of these educational programs and services.

  Very important Somewhat important Neutral Less important Not important
Advanced academics (AP/honors)
Dual (college) credit
Health Education
Fine Arts
Extracurricular Activities (sports and clubs)
English Language Development for English Learners
Foreign language for native english speakers
Career and technical education
Physical education (gym)

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* 6. Please provide any additional comments, ideas, or suggestions that you feel would help guide the work of this District's planning process.

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* 7. What is your relationship to the Community ISD? (Mark all that apply)