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About the Communication Culture Survey

Crisis Ready® Institute, in collaboration with the Crisis Ready Community, is creating a best practice guideline for helping organizations strengthen their communication culture in a way that directly increases the brand's viability, its resiliency, and its brand equity. 
One of our first steps in this process is to gather insight into how today’s organizations approach internal communication, and how that directly impacts everything from their workplace morale, productivity, inclusivity, straight through to external relationships, brand equity, and crisis readiness. 

Whether you’re a professional working for an organization or a consultant working with many, we're seeking your help to gather this information.
Our ask:
  1. Fill out this important survey (approx. 20 minutes)
  2. Share the survey with your team members, colleagues, peers and friends (our goal is to have upwards of 2,000 participants)

Our thank-you gift to you:
We know that 20 minutes is a big ask and we value your time implicitly. As a show of appreciation, once you've participated in this survey, we have some special thank-you gifts we'll be sending your way, including:
  • 1 month of free access to the Crisis Ready® Community
  • Be amongst the first to receive the Comms Culture best practice guideline when it's published later this year
  • Receive an exclusive invitation to join a virtual roundtable and live Q&A with our experts
  • Bragging rights — because you'll have contributed to a body of work that is helping to transform the landscape of effective communication, bettering organizations and the people and communities they serve.
  • Our eternal gratitude because we really appreciate your time and contribution to this important initiative!
 - Your Crisis Ready® Team

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* 1. What generation do you identify with?

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* 3. What is your department/area of expertise?

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* 4. What nation(s) does your organization operate in?

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* 5. How many employees does your organization have?

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* 6. What is the size of your team/department?

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* 7. Of the following, choose up to three attributes that best describe your organization's current culture of communication.

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* 8. Of the following, what would you define as three areas of improvement that you’d like to see within your organization's current culture of communication?

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* 9. How would you rate your organization’s culture around inclusivity?

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* 10. Please provide further context to your answer to #9.

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* 11. How often does your team meet to discuss ideas, exchange suggestions, and work together on projects?

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* 12. How frequently do you / does your team collaborate with other teams / departments within the organization?

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* 13. What are the typical reasons for outreach / communication / collaboration across teams? (Select all that apply)

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* 14. Are information-sharing, cross-collaboration, and open dialogue between teams recognized and encouraged within your organization’s culture?

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* 15. How would you rate your accessibility to your teams?

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* 16. How accessible is the leadership team to team members?

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* 17. What is one area that you’d like to see improvement within your organization’s culture around cross-collaboration?

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* 18. What is one area that you’re proud of your organization’s culture around cross-collaboration?

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* 19. How does your organization communicate internally both formally and informally? (Select all that apply)

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* 20. Of the methods you chose above, which tend to have the most success? (Select all that apply)

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* 21. On average, how often are individuals communicated with about organizational updates? 

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* 22. Does your organization ask its internal stakeholders about their preferred means of communication from the brand?

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* 23. How often is information shared with internal audiences before it is shared externally?

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* 24. If relevant, please specify what sorts of updates tend to be communicated internally?

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* 25. (If you filled out #24) Who do these communications come from?

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* 26. (If you filled out #24) Do these communications include an opportunity for response from recipients?

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* 27. If yes to #26, what is the typical response rate?

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* 28. If yes to #26: How often is the response rate and the absorption of information reviewed and audited within your organization?

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* 29. What is one area that you’d like to see improvement within your organization’s culture around internal communication?

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* 30. What is one area that you’re proud of your organization’s culture around internal communication?

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* 31. Does your organization conduct internal satisfaction surveys?

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* 32. If yes, how often?

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* 33. Is this information shared with the respective teams?

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* 34. Have you ever seen changes implemented post-surveys? 

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* 35. How is feedback provided within your organization: From management to team members?

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* 36. How is feedback provided within your organization: From team members to management?

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* 37. When someone expresses a concern or a grievance concerning internal communication, how is that feedback received, addressed and incorporated? Please explain.

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* 38. What is one area that you’d like to see improvement within your organization’s culture around giving and receiving feedback?

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* 39. What is one area that you’re proud of your organization’s culture around giving and receiving feedback?

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* 40. Within your organization, where do you feel communication initiatives generally succeed, and why?

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* 41. Within your organization, where do you feel communication initiatives generally fail, and why?

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* 42. What is your greatest day-to-day challenge with regards to implementing a communication culture? (Select all that apply)

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* 43. What is the greatest communication success you have seen or experienced in recent years, and why?

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* 44. What is the greatest communication failure you have seen or experienced in recent years, and why?

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* 45. Where/how would you have prevented that failure and can you ensure that it won’t happen again — or that it won't happen to your own organization if you observed this failure externally?

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* 46. Where do you see best practices for communication styles, and why do you think they are best practice?

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* 47. What is the best piece of advice you have been given around communication, and how does that influence your communication style?

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* 48. What is one area that you’d like to see improvement within your organization’s culture around communication?

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* 49. What is one area that you’re proud of your organization’s culture around communication?

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* 50. Are there any additional areas of communication that, given the opportunity, you would improve within your organization? Please be as detailed as possible.

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* 51. How would you recommend their improvement?

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* 52. Do you believe that your organization’s culture around communication influences or impacts:

  Positive impact Negative Impact Neutral
Brand Loyalty
Mental and emotional wellbeing
Engagement / Productivity
Relationships with external stakeholders
Brand's overall reputation in the marketplace
Brand's overall resilience

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* 53. Thank you for your contribution to this important body of work! As a token of appreciation, we have some great thank-you gifts that we'd love to send you. If you'd like to receive these gifts, please provide us with your name and email address.

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