Discover Your Need For Closure |
Welcome and thank you
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Thank you very much in advance for taking this brief survey. It's designed to quickly and easily identify your desire for certainty or closure, in other words your desire to reduce ambiguity.
For each of the questions below, please read the statement and then mark your answer on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being completely disagree to 6 being completely agree.
Important: Keep track of the number of points for each of your answers.
Completely agree = 6 points
Strongly Agree = 5 points
Agree = 4 points
Disagree = 3 points
Strongly Disagree = 2 points
Completely Disagree = 1 point
Once you're finished add up your total then click 'done' you'll be able to interpret what your total number of points means.
To find out more about your need for closure and tolerance for ambiguity click here.
Find out more about me and my work here. Be sure to scroll your mouse over my face for a surprise!
Lee-Anne Ragan
This learning well moment is brought to you by Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc. - helping change-makers learn, laugh and lead.