Boston - July 10, 11, 12


Thank you for your interest in the Cambridge Latin Summer Workshop 2018 in Boston, July 10,11, 12

In order to be registered, answer the questions on this form and  at the end, submit by clicking DONE. You will also receive an e-mail within 5 days acknowledging your registration.

All correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address that you enter. Please make sure that you provide an e-mail that you regularly check during the summer. You will receive e-mails from both as well as,  please add these to your contacts so they don't end up in spam or junk. 

There is no cost to the participant to attend the summer workshop. The $500 registration fee is underwritten by the Cambridge Schools Classics Project and Cambridge University Press. Each participant is responsible for personal expenses, i.e. meals, lodging and transportation. You may apply for a scholarship to defray these expenses by clicking on Scholarships at 

Information about each of the venues is available at  under Training. A block of hotel rooms is available at a reduced cost  until 3-4 weeks prior to each workshop.

Space is limited. If you have a change in plans, please contact us at

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* 1. To register, answer the questions below and click submit.

Enter an e-mail that you will check during the summer. ALL communication is done via that e-mail.

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* 2. Have you ever attended a CLC Workshop?

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* 3. Which category fits your teaching situation best? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Which level fits your teaching situation best? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. What is your school schedule?

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* 6. How many years have you been teaching?

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* 7. How many years have you taught with the Cambridge Latin Course?

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* 8. Which Cambridge Latin Course units do you use? (Select all that apply.)

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* 9. What levels of Latin do you teach? (Select all that apply.)

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* 10. Which edition of the CLC are you using?

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* 11. If you are new to the Cambridge Latin Course, what text did you previously use?

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* 12. As a student, with what text or method did you study Latin? Please choose all that are applicable.

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* 13. What is the end goal of your school/district's Latin program?

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* 14. What is your reason for attending this workshop? ( Select all that apply.)

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* 15. Please share any other thoughts, ideas or comments you have about the CLC summer workshop.

Once you've clicked DONE, you are registered for the CLC Boston 2018 workshop.

Within 5 days you will receive acknowledgment of your registration.

Approximately 2 weeks prior to each workshop, you will receive an e-mail containing additional information. Please make sure that the e-mail you have entered is available to you during the summer because all correspondence will be sent via that e-mail.

Note that space is limited. If you have a change in plans, please contact us at