Any information gleaned from the survey will only be reported in an aggregate and anonymous fashion unless we have your permission to do otherwise.  Documenting the number of farmers affected is extremely important for us finding a policy solution to protect farmers against this in the future. 

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* 1. Have you received a claw-back letter regarding the payment of money or grain regarding the Global Processing Bankruptcy case?

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* 2. If you have received a letter, how have you responded?

We are encouraging farmers to request an extension to buy you more time as we work to find a solution and mechanism to help you avoid being included in the claw-back.

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* 3. Would you like to receive a call from OFA's Farmer Services Team?

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* 4. Your town, state (so we can alert U.S. legislators in your district about the problem)

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* 5. What state did you deliver grain to?

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* 6. How much money are they trying to claw-back from you?

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* 7. If you can remember, please tell us generally the timeline of when you delivered the grain and when you were paid for the grain in question.

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* 8. Do you want to network with other farmers in your situation?

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* 9. Please feel free to share anything else you would like us to know about this issue.

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* 10. Please provide your contact information so we can follow up with any questions or support.  (Optional)

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* 11. If you would be willing to share the clawback letter you received with us, it will help us to identify similarities and better create a collective response for farmers. We will not share outside of OFA without your permission.

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