Any information gleaned from the survey will only be reported in an aggregate and anonymous fashion unless we have your permission to do otherwise.

Question Title

* 1. Have you received a claw-back letter regarding the payment of money or grain regarding the Pipeline Foods Bankruptcy case?

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* 2. If you have received a letter, how have you responded?

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* 3. Your town, state (so we can alert U.S. legislators in your district about the problem)

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* 4. What state did you deliver grain to?

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* 5. If you can remember, please tell us generally the timeline of when you delivered the grain and when you were paid for the grain in question.

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* 6. Do you want to network with other farmers in your situation?

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* 7. Please feel free to share anything else you would like us to know about this issue.

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* 8. Please provide your contact information so we can follow up with any questions or support.  (Optional)