Questionnaire deadline: Friday, July 23, 2021

MEMBERS OF THE WCVM CLASS OF 2025: Some of the details that you provide in this questionnaire will be included in commemorative information that will be distributed to you and your classmates during the 2021-22 academic year. 

Because of scheduling, you will not see the information in advance. To ensure accuracy, please verify all of the information that you provide in your responses.

Before you send in your questionnaire, take a few minutes to go through this check list:

• Did you provide your full name and correct contact information? If possible, please provide email addresses and telephone numbers where you can be reached between July and September 2021.

• Did you include accurate start/end dates (please include month/year) for your education, employment, awards and volunteer experience information? 

• Did you include the correct, complete names of your high school, university or technical institute? Did you include their locations (city/province)? 

• Did you include the correct, complete names of all businesses and organizations that have employed you or provided you with volunteer experience? Did you include their locations (city/province)?  

• Did you include "N/A (not applicable)" in the response windows for questions that did not relate to your experiences? 

Please complete and submit the WCVM Class of 2025 questionnaire as soon as possible. To meet scheduling requirements, please submit your responses by Friday, July 23, 2021. 

Questions? Please contact: 

Myrna MacDonald, Communications, Dean's Office
Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Cell: 306-291-9950

Question Title

* 1. Name and home community/province/state

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* 2. For the purpose of the commemorative information, which personal pronouns would you like us to use to identify you?

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* 3. What was the name of your high school and its location (community/province/state/country)?

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* 4. What year did you graduate from high school?

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* 5. If you have completed a university degree, what degree did you obtain?

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* 6. What was your university degree's major/minor?

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* 7. What was the name of the college/department in which you were enrolled? What was the name of the university?

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* 8. What month/year did you begin your degree program?

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* 9. What month/year did you complete your degree program?

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* 10. If you have completed a technical diploma/certificate program, what diploma/certificate did you obtain?

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* 11. What was the title of your program, the name of the department in which you were enrolled and the name of the technical institute/college?

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* 12. What month/year did you begin the program?

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* 13. What month/year did you complete the program?

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* 14. If you haven't completed a university degree program, please provide the number of years of post-secondary education that you have completed.

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* 15. What was the name of the degree program in which you were enrolled, and the name of your university?

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* 16. In addition to the post-secondary experiences listed above, have you begun or completed any other university degree program or technical institute/college program?

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* 17. Can you briefly describe the activities that you enjoy? Do you have any special interests?

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* 18. Can you briefly describe your involvement with community organizations or clubs? Please include specific dates and names of organizations and clubs.

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* 19. What's one interesting fact or one brief anecdote that you would like to share about yourself? 

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* 22. Have you received any awards or recognition for your achievements? If so, please list:
• the most significant awards (please select a maximum of three awards)
• the organization or business that provided each award
• the date (month/year) when you received each award
• the reason why you received the honour

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* 23. Have you received any research grants or scholarships? If so, please list:
• name of the research grant
• organization or institution that provided the research grant
• duration of the grant (start/end dates)
• focus of your research project

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* 24. Please provide a brief description of your experience as a volunteer with a veterinary clinic or with an animal-related business or organization. Briefly outline the following:
• role(s) and responsibilities
• number of months/years that you worked at the clinic/organization (including start/end dates)
• type of experience you gained from each volunteer position

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* 25. Please provide a brief description of your experience as an employee with a veterinary clinic or with an animal-related business or organization. Briefly outline the following:
• your role(s) and responsibilities
• number of months/years that you worked at the clinic, business or organization (including start/end dates)
• types of experience that you gained from each job

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* 26. Due to COVID-19 protocols, we are unable to take professional portrait images of first-year students on the first day of classes. As an alternative, we are asking that each Class of 2025 member submit at least two high-resolution images to the WCVM by Friday, July 23, 2021. Click here for more information about photo specifications and submission. Have you submitted your portrait photos? If you answer "No" to the question below, you will be contacted by WCVM staff members.

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* 27. During July, August and September 2021, we may need further information for your brief biosketch or to verify facts. Please provide contact information where we can reach you during those months.

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* 30. CANADIAN RESIDENTS: Commemorative white coat ceremony information will be distributed to selected Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each of the western provinces and northern territories. To help with this process, please provide the name of your local MLA.

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* 31. CANADIAN RESIDENTS: Please provide the name of your provincial electoral district (provincial riding).