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Circuit Trails Maintenance Workshop Registration Cobbs Creek Environmental Center Monday, September 9th. 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The Circuit Trails Coalition is hosting a practical Trail Maintenance Workshop for all who work with or love trails. This event is designed for volunteers, professionals, and community groups alike. It will feature a morning classroom session and 2-afternoon outdoor hands-on sessions led by regional trail and recreation experts. The outdoor sessions will cover practical topics on trail maintenance, such as stormwater management, vegetation (invasive and native) management, and volunteer recruitment and management for paved, gravel, and natural surface trails.
The event, sponsored by the Clean Air Council, is scheduled from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM (lunch included) at Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Center in Cobbs Creek Park.
700 Cobbs Creek Parkway, Philadelphia 19143
The Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Center (CCCEC) is ADA-accessible via the adjacent parking lot.
It is located at the bottom of a steeply-sloped hill.
The morning session will take place in the CCCEC.
The afternoon hands-on sessions will be held in different staging areas around the CCCEC. Please expect uneven walking surfaces and steep slopes in some areas.
Dress according to weather conditions; wear sturdy footwear and long pants.
CCCEC has restrooms.
Please bring a water bottle with you, sunscreen, and bug spray.
Workshop staff will take pictures and/or videos during the event for promotional purposes. Participants can let us know if they do not want to be included in video or photographs.