1. Your TV-watching behaviour
Tabiat waktu tengok TV

Question Title

* 1. What annoys you the most about TV shows? Pick only 3.
Benda apa yang korang menyampah sekali bila tengok TV? Pilih 3 sahaja.

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* 2. Which of the following have you done while watching your show?
Daripada pilihan di bawah, yang mana korang pernah buat sambil tengok cerita?

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* 3. Where is your favourite spot to watch your shows?
Korang suka tengok TV kat mana?

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* 4. Which of the following would you RATHER endure?
Dalam situasi-situasi kat bawah ni, yang mana korang LEBIH SANGGUP tahan?

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* 5. What do you usually eat while watching your shows?
Apa yang korang selalu makan waktu tengok cerita?

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* 6. Where do you usually watch your shows?
Korang selalu tengok cerita guna apa?

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* 7. Do you go to the toilet before you start watching, “just in case” you have to pee suddenly?
Sebelum mula, korang pergi tandas dulu tak, sebagai "persediaan" kalau tiba-tiba kena buang air kecil?

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* 8. Do you actually care about award shows? (E.g. Emmys, SAG)
Korang kisah ke pasal rancangan anugerah? (Cth. Emmys, SAG)

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* 9. Do you re-watch a show you’ve finished?
Adakah korang ulang semula cerita yang korang pernah habiskan?

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* 10. Who do you usually watch your shows with?
Biasanya korang tengok cerita dengan siapa?

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33% of survey complete.