Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health- 2020 Needs Survey

The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health (CICMH) is inviting all campus mental health stakeholders (e.g., service providers, faculty, administrators, community organizations, students, etc.) to complete our annual quick 10-minute survey to learn how CICMH can best be of value to you and your campus or organization.

CICMH is a partnership project involving Colleges Ontario, the Council of Ontario Universities, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, the College Student Alliance, and the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division. The overall goal of the  Centre is to engage and support Ontario colleges and universities in their commitment to student mental health and well-being.

We know that 2020 has been a trying a year. Your participation is important! Let us know how CICMH can best meet your needs and the needs of your campus or organization. Your survey responses will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 1. I work at a (please choose the one that best applies):

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* 2. In my workplace, I am a (please choose the one that best describes your role):

Question Title

* 3. Which geographic region are you situated in?

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* 4. Which geographic region are you situated in?

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* 5. Please indicate how relevant  these areas are to your institution or organization today by rating each of them (1= Completely irrelevant; 5 = Completely relevant).

If you would like to suggest other key areas for CICMH to address please list them in the space below.

  1 = Completely irrelevant 2 = Mostly irrelevant 3 = Somewhat relevant 4 = Mostly relevant 5 = Completely relevant
Mental health awareness and training
Early alert systems to identify students with concerns
Crisis prevention and management
Access to expertise for frontline providers
Professional development for front-line providers
Training and support around data collection and evaluation
Access and coordination of mental health services on and off campus
Guidelines and recommendations for best and promising practices
Development of students' coping skills
COVID 19 resources
Virtual student support

Question Title

* 6. Post-secondary students may experience barriers accessing supports for mental health and/or addictions issues.What are some of the more prevalent barriers to service on and off campus, that students may face? 
Please check all that apply:

Question Title

* 7. Post-secondary students sometimes face complex mental health and/or substance use issues. What are some of the more prevalent  complex mental health and/or substance use issues that you have come across on your campus or with post-secondary students that come to your community organization ?

Please check all that apply:

Question Title

* 8. CICMH wants to learn about what kinds of training/professional development topics are most needed on campuses or in community organization when it comes to mental health and addictions. Here are some example topics.

Please check all topics below that are of interest to you and your organization:

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* 9. Professional development could be offered in many different formats. Please let us know which formats best meets your needs ?

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* 10. CICMH utilizes a number of knowledge sharing platforms to provide access to information and resources surrounding campus mental health. Please indicate how useful you have found each of these platforms (1 = Not useful; 5 =Very useful)

  1 = Very useful 2 = Quite useful 3 = Somewhat useful 4 = Not very useful 5 = Not useful N/A (Not applicable)
"Ask the Experts" webinars
campusmentalhealh.ca website
morefeetontheground.ca website
Info sheets
Regional Calls/ Regional Community of Practice Calls
Regional forums

Question Title

* 11. Have you made changes to your practice as a result of CICMH services?

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* 12. If yes, how did you make those changes?

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* 13. If no, why?

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* 14. If you are with a campus, do you currently have a partnership/collaboration with a community mental health agency ?

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* 15. What types of collaboration are you working on with community organizations? Please choose all appropriate responses.

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* 16. Have you made new connections with other post- secondary institutions or community agencies through CICMH support ( forums, conference, email or face to face introductions)?

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* 17. If yes, how many new connections have you made in the past year?

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* 18. How can CICMH support you and your team around campus/community partnerships?

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* 19. How to you recieve information about CICMH services?

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* 20. In order to better support you, what activities should be priorities as CICMH develops its future plans (please select all that apply).

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* 21. Please provide any other comments here.