Thank you for helping us to evaluate our sessions

Question Title

* 1. Where did you attend the Childnet session? Please write in full the name of the school or venue

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* 2. Who delivered your session?

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* 3. The session made me feel more confident about supporting my children to use the internet safely

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* 4. I learned something new about online safety

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* 5. As a result of the session, I will talk to my family about using the internet safely

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* 6. As a result of the session, I will change something about the way my family uses the internet

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* 7. I feel more informed about parental controls and filtering

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* 8. I feel more confident about what to do if I am concerned about something online

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* 9. What were you hoping to learn about from the session? eg cyberbullying, gaming, reporting...

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* 10. What area would you have liked more information on? eg. parental controls, digital footprint

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* 11. What advice do you have for other parents about supporting their children online?

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* 12. Overall, how would you rate the session?

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* 13. Want to stay up to date? Write your email here and we will send you our newsletter