We need your input!

The Children's Mental Health Workgroup is tasked with identifying barriers to accessing mental health services for children and families, and to advise the Legislature on statewide mental health services for this population. This report is due December 1st.

The Child Care & Education team is looking at two things:
1. Analyzing existing and potential mental health supports for child care providers to reduce expulsions of children in child care and preschool; and
2. Identifying outreach strategies that will successfully disseminate information to parents, providers, schools, and other individuals who work with children and youth on the mental health services offered.

We're exploring a number of potential strategies and would like to know what you think. Please help guide our work with this short survey!

Question Title

* 1. Which of these sounds like you?  (select all that apply)

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* 2. We are considering a number of strategies for addressing child mental health in Washington.  Please help us prioritize:

  Low priority strategy 2 3 4 5 High priority strategy
Enhance awareness and programming targeted to specific student groups including but not limited to LGBTQ, Military kids, ethnic and racial minorities, etc.
More training for providers
Provide funding to develop a comprehensive school-community collaboration at the regional/ESD level directing K-12 schools and local community mental health providers to work in partnerships to provide mental health case management services onsite in schools to students and families.
Increase the availability of trauma informed care training programs
Identify funding to support effective collaboration between public mental health and schools in meeting the mental health needs of students.
Provide funding for the Homeless Child Care Assistance Program
Expand and enhance Home Visiting programs
Expand ECEAP, Head Start, and quality child care to include more spaces for children with mental health issues who are not being served
Increase training for key school staff in working with students who have mental health needs (signs, symptoms and recognition of mental health concerns; FERPA/HIPAA reporting requirements; understanding Access to Care Standards)
More support and outreach for parents
Reduce the teacher to child ratio in the child care and preschool classroom settings
Provide more mental health consultation/coaching access for teachers and providers
Support use of evidence based programming/practices targeted toward students to develop in-school peer support programs and reduce stigma of mental health.
Build and maintain an on-line information portal containing community based resources, with an emphasis on mental health, that are available to early learning and K-12 schools to assist them in addressing student mental health needs.
Change Early Achievers so that there are incentives to serve high risk populations and to not expel children with challenging behaviors
More training for parents
Expansion of trauma informed training
Specifically target services and supports for children within the child welfare system

Question Title

* 3. What is your top priority strategy for addressing child mental health issues in Washington?

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* 4. What other strategies would you recommend?  Any other thoughts?