Childcare Needs Assessment Question Title * 1. What zip code does your business primarily operate in? Question Title * 2. Has your business been impacted by the shortage of childcare providers in Howard or Randolph county? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 3. What types of childcare are needed in the MAEDC Region? Please check all that apply. Care for infants and toddlers 0-26 months Care for children ages 3 to 6 years After school program for all school age children Transportation between school and childcare Flexible childcare hours More highly qualified and certified childcare providers More affordable childcare options Unsure Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How does this childcare shortage impact your business? Please check all that apply. Difficult to recruit qualified workers Unable to attract qualified workers to the area Employees have left the workforce due to unreliable childcare Decreased employee productivity or reliability due to childcare concerns Difficulty staffing certain shifts (ie. nights, weekends, holidays) due to lack of childcare It has not impacted my business Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What steps have you considered to address the childcare needs of your employees? Please check all that apply. Starting a childcare center for our employees Paying a portion of our employee’s childcare costs Allowing flexible work hours Allowing employees to work from home N/A Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Would you be willing to share an online childcare needs assessment survey with your employees? Yes No Question Title * 7. Please estimate the number of employees you have, who may need childcare, in the Moberly area: Question Title * 8. What days of the week does your business operate? Please select all that apply. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays Question Title * 9. What hours of the day does your business operate? Please select all that apply. Early Morning Daytime Evenings Overnights Question Title * 10. Please share any other thoughts you have regarding childcare needs in the Moberly area. Done