Information and Consent

This is a research project being conducted by Dr Lisa Oakley (Programme Leader Abuse Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University) and Dr Kathryn Kinmond (Faculty Chair of Ethics, Manchester Metropolitan University).

The purpose of this research project is to explore current knowledge and issues surrounding ‘child abuse linked to faith and belief’ in order to try and develop understanding and helpful training and resources in this area. You are being invited to participate in this research project because you are a Professional/Practitioner whose work may bring them into contact with children who have been abused due to faith or belief or likely to suffer this type of abuse.

The procedure involves filling an online survey that will take approximately 10 minutes. Your responses will be confidential and we will not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address unless you choose to provide this. The survey questions will be about ‘child abuse linked to faith and belief’.

It is your choice whether or not to complete the survey and take part in this research. You may choose not to participate. If you decide to participate in this research survey, you may withdraw at any time. You can stop filling in the survey and your answers will not be included in the final work

We will do our best to keep your information confidential. All data will be stored in a password protected electronic format. To help protect your confidentiality, the surveys will not contain information that will personally identify you. The results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only and to endeavour to build knowledge and effective intervention in the area of child abuse linked to faith and belief. With your consent, we may use quotes from comments you make, but these quotes will be anonymised. Your IP address will not be collected by SurveyMonkey so we will not be able to identify any individual who completes the questionnaire.

If you have any questions about the research study, please contact Lisa Oakley  or Kathryn Kinmond This research has been reviewed according to SurveyMonkey University IRB procedures for research involving human subjects and by Manchester Metropolitan University ethics committee.

Question Title

* 1. ELECTRONIC CONSENT: Please select your choice below.

Clicking on the "agree" button below indicates that:

• you have read the above information

• you agree to participate

• you are at least 18 years of age

If you do not wish to participate in the research study, please decline participation by clicking on the "disagree" button.

If you have any complaints about the study please feel free to contact Dr Rachel Dickinson, Research Degrees Coordinator, IDS, Manchester Metropolitan University  

Many thanks for reading this information and for considering taking part in this research study.