Welcoming & Onboarding Checklist Feedback Thank you for using our Welcoming & Onboarding Checklist! We're posting this "beta version" in hopes that you will find it useful and let us know how to make it better. Question Title * 1. Your role in your congregation Administrator Minister Staff member in supervisory role Personnel Committee member Board member Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Overall, how useful did you find this resource? 5 = Very useful 4 = useful 3 = not very useful 4 = not at all useful Question Title * 3. Would you say that this resource.... Mainly gave you new information and ideas about what needed to be done to onboard a new staff member Mainly served as an organizing tool to ensure things got done that you already knew to do Definitely a fair amount of each of the above Not much of either Question Title * 4. Is there anything you found especially useful? Question Title * 5. Did you print out the checklist or use it on your computer? Printed it out as is Customized it, then printed Used it on computer as is Customized it and used it on computer Question Title * 6. How easy was it to use this checklist (either in print or on computer)? Very easy Easy Not very easy Not at all easy Question Title * 7. Please tell us how we can improve this resource. Question Title * 8. Any other comments? Question Title * 9. Name and contact email (not required, but suggested for possible follow-up) Done