Multilingual Language Learners (ML) Supports for Charter Schools Survey

The CDE offices of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, Federal Programs, and the Schools of Choice Unit are collaborating to provide targeted supports for charter schools serving our Multilingual Learners. We are asking for your feedback regarding what needs you have in your schools to provide optimal services for our MLs. This survey will help us determine the best way to support our charter schools.

The CLDE Office is also available for specific questions anytime. Please reach out to Lindsay Swanton,, or Doris Nguyen,, if you have any questions not covered in this survey

Question Title

* 1. Rate the level of support needed (1 least to 5 most)

  Not needed Somewhat needed Needed More Needed Very needed
Standardized ML Identification process
Parent notification requirements regarding ML identification
Standardized redesignation process
Best instructional practices for MLs in the content classroom
Developing or implementing an ELD/ESL program

Question Title

* 2. What questions do you have around

Question Title

* 3. What is your preferred format to receive support from CDE?

Thank you! We will use this feedback to continue to improve our services to charter schools serving MLs in Charter Schools.