JA Central Ontario Company Program Changemaker Award Submission

To recognize an outstanding Company Program Achiever who has made a positive contribution to the company morale. This award can be described as the “heart award” and recognizes Achievers that put in extra effort to make the Company Program experience a positive one for all team members.

A Changemaker is someone who:
  • leads by example and inspires others with their positive outlook
  • demonstrates a deep-rooted sense of empathy and caring for others
  • is mindful of their actions and words and how it can affect others
  • is present fully in discussions and conversations and encourages others to share and engage
  • is curious and willing to listen, learn, explore and understand
  • is a team player and helps to motivate and encourage teammates
  • is always willing to recognize and celebrate the success and achievements of their peers
  • demonstrates appreciation and gratitude for their fellow peers and advisors
  • is always willing to step up, identifying opportunities to improve the Company Program experience for themselves and for others
  • is inclusive and welcoming of all individuals in the program

Each team can submit ONE nominee for this award. Application deadline is 11:59pm on Friday, April 9th 2021.

There is no judging process for this award, therefore, each nominee from each team will be recognized. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CP Team at companyprogram@jacentralontario.org.

Thank you!