Applications can be submitted by course directors only.
There are two requirements for course accreditation:
1. A score of 12/12 points on non-negotiable parameters (Section A).
2. A minimum score of 5/7 points on negotiable parameters (Section B).
These scores equate to a passing mark of 89%. 

Course directors can apply to use simulators for certification scanning (Section C).
Applications are processed within 30 days.
Asterisk denotes answer required.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the date of the application:


Question Title

* 2. Please enter your name:

Question Title

* 3. Please identify your profession:

Question Title

* 4. Please complete the following course information:
Note that courses cannot be titled as a CPoCUS course to avoid confusion and concern with conflict of interest.

Section A
Question 5 contains non-negotiable parameters.

A score of 12/12 points is required to achieve course accreditation and proceed to next question.

Question Title

* 5. As course director, please confirm that:
(12 points)

Section B
Questions 6-12 contain negotiable parameters.

A minimum score of 5/7 points is required to achieve course accreditation.

Question Title

* 6. Does your course provide reading material from a recognized source?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 7. For participants who are introductory course-negative, does your course include written materials covering relevant ultrasound physics, anatomy, and theory?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 8. For participants who are introductory course-negative, does your course include a minimum of 30 minutes of live or online lectures?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 9. For participants who are introductory course-positive, do you have a pre-course test (written and/or visual)?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 10. If participants are staff physicians, are CME credits available for your course?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 11. Are participant course evaluations collected at the end of the course and available for review for a period of five years?
(1 point)

Question Title

* 12. Do you have a method for managing/advising remedial training for participants who fail an exam?
(1 point)

Section C
Questions 13-18 relate to the use of simulators for CORE certification scanning.

These questions do not accrue points.

Question Title

* 13. Will you be using simulators in your course? If no, proceed to Question 19.

Question Title

* 14. Do you agree to read and abide by the CPoCUS guidelines for scans performed on an ultrasound simulator?
(View guidelines on the website or here)

Question Title

* 15. Will scans performed on an ultrasound simulator count towards the total number of scans required for IP certification?

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate the individual number of scans performed on a simulator per CORE module per IP candidate.

Question Title

* 17. What is the make and model of the simulator(s) that the IP candidate will use?

Question Title

* 18. Does the simulator have the ability to simulate more than one ultrasound image?  i.e. can the simulator demonstrate multiple pathologies or multiple normal variants?

Question Title

* 19. Please attach additional material (if applicable)
(Bonus 1 point)

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