Dear Community Member,

Centre County is in the process of updating the Centre County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The HMP identifies natural and human-made hazards that may impact our community and provides an assessment of our vulnerable population and infrastructure. The updated HMP includes a mitigation strategy, including goals, objectives, and actions, for reducing our risk to future damage and loss.

Your participation in the Centre County HMP update is greatly appreciated and will help make the County a safer, more resilient place to live and work!  This survey should take less than three minutes to complete, and your responses are anonymous.

Thank you for your time!

Question Title

Which Centre County Municipality do you live in?  (Please note if you do not live in Centre County.)

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Do you own or rent?

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Do you have any of the following type(s) of insurance? Mark all that apply.

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How informed are you about the the risks from the hazards affecting your community?

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Which natural or human-caused hazards do you believe present the most danger to your community?  (List all hazards of personal concern.)

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Has anyone in your household performed any of the following preparedness activities? (Check all that apply)

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Would you be interested in attending public education training related to risk and preparedness?

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What would be the best way for you to receive information about hazard risk and preparedness? (Select up to 3.)

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Is there anything else related to hazards and preparedness you’d like to share with us?