Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for CDANZ National Conference 2019: Your Practice - Today and Tomorrow. This is CDANZ flagship event for research and leading practice in career development. It will be held on 5 & 6 September in partnership with the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.  Please read the following information before proceeding.

The CDANZ National Conference offers three speaking opportunities:

1.    Landscape Scan – this programme item raises awareness for career development related research projects that are still in progress, or will not have been published at the time of the Conference. These might be Masters or PhD research projects, or other academic, public  or private sector research.  Speakers will be assigned  2-3 minutes to briefly introduce their projects. You do not need to submit a full abstract for the Landscape Scan but you do need to complete this form.

2.    Presentation or Workshop Session – you may submit an abstract to present a 45 minute session on a completed research project or proven leading practice. Please complete the questions on this form below. 

3. Contribution to a panel or work stream discussion. We are not accepting abstracts for this but welcome your phone call to discuss. Contact Lauren on 021 222 5682 or ndm@cdanz.org.nz

The Symposium Committee will select abstracts to programme up to twelve 45 minute slots, some of which may be shared sessions.

The committee are seeking a balanced programme that prioritises research and leading practice that reflects upon the theme Your Practice - Today and Tomorrow, and is relevant to one or more of CDANZ workstreams:

·         Education/Transition – in schools, tertiary and transition to work

·         Organisational Development – within corporates, NGOs and government

·         Vocational Rehabilitation and supported employment

·         Private Practice

THEME: Your Practice – Today and Tomorrow

Over the past three years CDANZ has focused on big themes highlighting and investigating the value and impact of career development on the well-being of our clients, society and the economy:

·         2016: Our Value, Our Voice

·         2017 Aspiration and Possibility

·         2018: Social Justice

This year we examine ourselves and put career practice in New Zealand under the microscope to examine:

1.     What innovative models of career practice are working now at home, and abroad?

2.     How will career practice need to change to address the diverse needs of clients in the new economy?

3.     How can you adapt your practice to remain relevant, accessible and sustainable, and so that New Zealanders receive excellence in career development support?

The CDANZ Conference is an opportunity to look up from your work to engage with peers from across the country and bright minds from overseas, to build your networks, share and exchange knowledge, challenge your thinking, catch up on the latest research, and gain practical tools and insights you can incorporate into your own practice. 


Selectors will consider, does the proposal:

•       Strengthen Understanding of Theory and/or Practice for those who practise, study, and teach in the career development space?

•       Engage with the ‘So What?’ question to extend the research and practice knowledge into the realm of application implications, or new research questions? Does this content further the reach and curiosity of its target audience?

•       Enlighten, and provide insights that extend thinking into new ideas, data, models, tools, theories, or resources? If the presentation involves origin