Question Title

* 1. Are you a registered member?

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* 2. Please choose the best statements that represents how you use Cancer Connection.

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* 3. Please indicate your age range below

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* 4. Approximately for how many years have you been a member of (or visiting) CancerConnection?

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* 5. Which of the following cancer types are relevant to your situation? (tick all that apply)

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* 6. What is the biggest cancer-related need you have which the community does not currently help you with today?

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* 7. What new features or ideas would you like to suggest that would enhance your experience with the community?”

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* 8. Which of the following best describes your situation.

Question Title

* 9. How helpful or unhelpful do you find each of the following features of the community today?

  1 - Very helpful 2 - Somewhat helpful 3 - Neither helpful nor unhelpful 4 - Somewhat unhelpful 5 - Not helpful at all N/A
Community News
Events and Webinars
Storytelling Videos
The Member Directory / Member Profiles

Question Title

* 10. How important is each of the following benefits of the community to you today?

  1 - Most important 2 - Somewhat important 3 - Neither important nor unimportant 4 - somewhat unimportant 5 - Least important
I can share things in private / anonymously. 
I can learn about the latest cancer / treatment news.
I can ask questions and get help from others with similar experiences.
I can share my own experiences.
I connect with people in my situation.
I can talk to the admins. 
I receive support and compassion from others.

Question Title

* 11. Overall, how helpful or unhelpful do you find the CancerConnection Community?