Business Rules, Decision Tables and DMN Question Title * 1. How important are business rules in your company? Very important Important Rarely used Not important at all Business Rules (in general) Business Rules (in general) Very important Business Rules (in general) Important Business Rules (in general) Rarely used Business Rules (in general) Not important at all Automation of Business Rules Automation of Business Rules Very important Automation of Business Rules Important Automation of Business Rules Rarely used Automation of Business Rules Not important at all Question Title * 2. What techniques do you use in the context of business rules? Decision Tables Decision Trees Domain Specific Language Rule Language (e.g., tool-specific) Natural Language Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How do you currently execute business rules / decision tables? Manually In Plain Programming In Standard Software Applications (e.g., SAP) With a Business Rule Engine (please name): Question Title * 4. How satisfied are you with your current business rule execution approach? Very happy Happy Rather unhappy Not happy at all Question Title * 5. What is missing in your current approach to business rule execution? Question Title * 6. Have you heard of the OMG standard DMN? Yes, I have already used it Yes, but never used it No, not at all Question Title * 7. Are you already using BPMN for process modelling? Yes, I use BPMN for documentation Yes, I use BPMN for automation No, not at all Question Title * 8. Are you already using Camunda BPM? Yes, we use Camunda BPM in production Yes, we are developing with Camunda BPM Yes, we are evaluating Camunda BPM No, not at all Question Title * 9. We are currently discussing a business rule solution as part of Camunda BPM. Do you have any requests or suggestions what we should implement in order to meet your needs? Question Title * 10. Optional: Please leave your email address so that we can discuss your requirements and notify you as soon as this new solution is available. Email Done