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Instructions: This survey contains statements that describe different ways that people think about their performance. There are no right or wrong answers on this survey…just different ways that people think about their performance. Therefore, give us your first response to each statement. When I perform I usually…  

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* 1. concentrate on the immediate present, rather than think ahead or back.

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* 2. avoid planning my strategies, but wait until something happens that requires my use of a strategy.

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* 3. dislike surprises or changes in routine.

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* 4. am focused upon myself and what I need to perform.

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* 5. stay in touch with the “realities” or the facts of the activity rather than wondering about “possibilities” (what I might do).

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* 6. am mindful of the need to keep my emotions under control.

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* 7. think about how well I am going to do.

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* 8. am constantly aware of how I performed in the recent past.

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* 9. anticipate what I may need to do next.

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* 10. seek out new or novel information about my performance even when I am in the process of doing it.

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* 11. am aware of the impression that I am making on others (e.g., the audience or the others).

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* 12. wonder about what I might do that I have never done before.

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* 13. let my emotions guide what I do.

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* 14. think about not making any serious mistakes.

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* 15. focus more on how I will perform in the future than how I am performing currently.

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* 16. let the events unfold, as they will without trying to second-guess what is going to happen.

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* 17. make sure that nothing too unfamiliar occurs.

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* 18. seek to keep my mind on what I am doing rather than on what the audience or spectators might be seeing.

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* 19. am mindful of the rules and etiquette of my performance arena and what I need to do to perform correctly.

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* 20. seek to prevent my feelings from interfering with my performance.

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* 21. am focused on the rewards and joys of my performance.

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* 22. stay focused on the here and now.

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* 23. “go with the flow” rather than plan things out ahead of time.

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* 24. am on the lookout for the odd and unusual.

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* 25. am NOT keeping close track of the outcomes, but rather of how I feel inside.

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* 26. am mindful of the “theory” or the general principles behind my performance rather than the exceptions.

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* 27. maintain a consistent level of arousal, not letting myself get too excited or too relaxed.

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* 28. am mindful of and prepared for the risks I might have during my performance.

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* 29. have my mind on what I’m going to do throughout my performances, and not just on the what I am currently doing.

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* 30. think and plan my strategy of performing rather than waiting to see how things turn out.

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* 31. discover new things about myself as I perform.

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* 32. stay focused on the events OUTSIDE of myself.

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* 33. think about what might happen if I tried some new changes for my performance.

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* 34. trust my gut-level feelings to influence my decisions and actions.

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* 35. am looking forward to enjoying myself.

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* 36. am concentrating only on what’s happening from moment to moment as I perform.

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* 37. am mentally prepared for and physically ready for whatever may happen.

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* 38. am especially tuned to those aspects of my performance that allow me to feel sure of myself (the things I know I can handle).

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* 39. don’t pay much attention to myself… but only to the action of the performance.

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* 40. wonder about what might have happened if I had performed differently.

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* 41. am guided in my performance by my changing emotional states.

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* 42. am keenly aware of the various ways that I can potentially screw up.

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* 43. Please Enter Your Name

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* 44. Please tell us what your performance area is (ex: golf, archery, ballroom dancing, etc.)

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* 45. Please give us a rating of your current success in your performance (1-10 rating; 10 is best)

1 5 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 46. Please tell us your average performance score from the past 5 events, if applicable (18 hole golf score, Avg arrow archery score, baseball batting avg, etc):

0 of 46 answered