
This questionnaire asks about your experiences with Bullying in Sport. Bullying is defined as “the repeated and intentional negative actions directed towards an individual or a group. Bullying can include bothering, making fun of, troubling or attacking through the use of actions, words, gestures (eye rolling, giving the finger etc), and isolation or shutting out."  We emphasize that the Survey that we are asking you to complete is completely ANONYMOUS and VOLUNTARY, as well as the IP address that your information will come from. If at any time you would not like to answer a question, please skip the question.
There are 7 main kinds of bullying listed below: 

1.     Physical Bullying
  • when someone hits, shoves, kicks, spits, or beats up on others
  • when someone damages or steals another athlete’s property
2.     Verbal Bullying
  • name calling, mocking, hurtful teasing, threatening
  • intimidating, humiliating or making people do things they don’t want to do
3.     Social Alienation/Relational
  • spreading rumors, gossiping, intentionally excluding from the group
4.     Gender Discrimination
  • not provided with equal opportunities or equal respect in your sporting organization because of your gender
  • told you can’t do something because you are female or male
  • unequal training time or attention because of gender
  • wage gap between male and female coaches or professional athletes
5.     Sexual Harassment
  • any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behavior that negatively affects or threatens to affect well-being and/or reputation of another person
  • suggestive remarks
  • sexual jokes, gestures or touching
  • posting of suggestive images on-line negative/hurtful comments about ones sexual orientation or gender identification
  • negative/hurtful comments about ones sexual orientation or gender identification
6.     Racial and Cultural (Ethnic) Harassment
  • any comments or actions containing racial ethnic content (direct or indirect) that are unwelcome and make the recipient uncomfortable
7.     Cyberbullying
  • the use of communication tools such as email, cell phone, text message, instant messaging, defamatory websites/blogs and online personal polling websites to antagonize, upset, and/or intimidate others
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20% of survey complete.