Please provide some basic information about you. 

Question Title

* 1. Your role in Builders Club:

Question Title

* 2. Select the number of years you have been in Builders Club:

Question Title

* 3. Were you a member of K-Kids (Kiwanis’ elementary/primary school program)?

Question Title

* 4. If your club is in a SCHOOL, select the type:

Question Title

* 5. Select the geographic location of your club’s school or community organization:

Question Title

* 6. Name of your school/organization:

Question Title

* 7. City, town or village of your school/organization:

Question Title

* 8. State or province of your school/organization:

Question Title

* 9. Country of your school/organization:

Question Title

* 10. Number of students currently in your club:

Question Title

* 11. Was it easy to join Builders Club?

Question Title

* 12. Why did you sign up for Builders Club? (Select as many that apply.)