Measuring What Really Matters & Makes A Difference
Welcome to the free Unstoppable Teen Success Survey!
This survey is only for teenagers who what to experience more success and happiness in their lives.
Each question relates to something that’s been proven to help young people. We’re going to help you measure the things that matter. This is important because it will help you make progress.
Having accurate self-awareness is important if you want to take your life to the next level. Completing this survey will raise your awareness of the things that are proven to increase success and happiness.
This survey intended to help you figure out what you're already doing well (so you can keep doing it) and what you need to improve if you want to experience more success and happiness.
Your instructions:
1) Simply answer the questions to the best of your ability.
2) Most of the questions have a slider that you need to drag across the screen to the score that’s right for you.
3) There are a few multiple choice questions too. Simply choose the answer that’s right or closest to being right for you.
4) Some of the questions might sound strange or a bit confusing but don’t worry about that. You can’t pass or fail this survey. It's NOT a test... it's a tool to help you!
5) If you’re unsure, just give the best answer you can.
One last thing...
It’s important that you DON’T try to big yourself up and make it look like you’re doing better than you actually are. It’s also important that you DON’T beat yourself up and make yourself look worse that you actually are.
All that we ask is that you be completely honest with the answers you give. This will enable us to give you the best help and avoid wasting time.
Let's get started!
You're about to learn a lot about yourself and the things you can do to take your life to the next level…
Enjoy the process!