Brand Protection

Please complete this form after reviewing the “BLANCO Authorized Internet Reseller Agreement”,  “BLANCO Reseller Policy”, “BLANCO Unilateral Minimum Advertised Price Policy”, and Exhibit A, “BLANCO Unilateral Price Grid” (found on Your signature on the form indicates that you have read and will abide by the BLANCO Online Sales Policy, the Requirements for Authorized Online Resellers, and all other applicable BLANCO Policies.  BLANCO reserves the right to withhold or withdraw its authorization from any Customer who does not comply with any of the requirements set forth on the attached Exhibit A at any time.

Question Title

* 1. Company Profile

Question Title

* 2. Is your intent to sell BLANCO product in the United States or Canada?

Question Title

* 3. Where do you purchase BLANCO product?

Question Title

* 4. Year started selling online:

Question Title

* 5. Name/URL(s) of all active website(s) that will sell BLANCO products:

Question Title

* 6. Internet Marketplace(s) and Marketplace Seller ID Name(s) (Ex. Amazon / ABC Kitchen & Bath)

Question Title

* 7. Additional Internet Marketplace(s) and Marketplace Seller ID Name(s) (please separate by using a comma after each one):

Question Title

* 8. Customer Signature: 

I acknowledge that my company is aware of and in compliance with the requirements established in “BLANCO Authorized Internet Reseller Agreement”, “BLANCO Reseller Policy”, “BLANCO Unilateral Minimum Advertised Price Policy”, and Exhibit A, “BLANCO Unilateral Price Grid” (found on and that the details in this application form are accurate and complete.