Feedback- Bering Science spring report Question Title * 1. How relevant was the information in this publication to you? Not relevant Very relevant Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 2. What did you like the most about the report (what did we get right)? Question Title * 3. What did you like the least about the report (what could we improve)? Question Title * 4. Was the information provided (check all that apply) Too specific. I want to learn about large-scale changes. The data was too focused on a single species, location or study. Not specific enough. I want to learn about changes near my community and/or be shown more detailed data on each topic. Missing important topics. I would like to see information about (please type into the box below) Just right. The report covered the right topics and provided a nice mix of individual studies and regional information. What would you like to see more information about? Question Title * 5. Other comments, questions, observations or suggestions? Question Title * 6. Enter your Name & Address to enter the raffle for a $25 credit to your AC (or other local store) account. Done