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* 1. What was your favorite part of BuildingEnergy NYC 2021? (could be a particular session, speaker or exhibitor; a community event; online experience, etc.)

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* 2. While we hope to return to in-person programming next year, we are also considering a hybrid conference format, with options for attending in person or online. If given the option, how would you prefer to attend?

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* 3. We want BuildingEnergy NYC to offer content that's innovative and useful. What topic, problem, idea, skill, technology, or issue would you most like to explore at next year's conference?

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* 4. (optional) Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your experience at BuildingEnergy NYC this year?

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* 5. (optional) We might want to use your comments in our outreach work and planning for next year. Please provide your name below. We will not use your name in reporting any results to speakers.