Feeling Believed by Responders after Sexual Assault

This project is collecting, from a wide variety of victim/survivor voices across the county, a sense of what it means for a victim/survivor of sexual assault to be “believed” and “supported” by law enforcement and victim advocacy. While name and contact info is collected below in order to allow for follow-up as needed, sharing this information is voluntary and your responses will remain anonymous. SVJI will combine your responses with others, distribute the findings in an overall report, and include the information in trainings for people who work with victims, to help them do their work better.

Thank you for being willing to share your experience!
Please contact Jessica Jerney at jjerney@mncasa.org or (651) 288-7458 if you have questions about this project.

If you would like to talk to a trained sexual assault advocate in your area, call: 800.656.HOPE (4673) or visit online.rainn.org

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following best describes the community where the assault occurred?

Question Title

* 3. With which of the following responders have you had the experience of feeling believed or supported?

Question Title

* 4. It is helpful for us to understand how supportive practices impact different communities.
It is not required, but if you feel comfortable sharing the ways in which you identify yourself (e.g. sexual orientation, age, racial/ethnic/national origin, gender identity, etc.), please describe here: