Question Title

* 1. Booking ID (please fill in the 4 digit code provided by your trainer)

Question Title

* 2. Your Gender:

Question Title

* 3. Your Race :

Question Title

* 4. Your Citizenship:

Question Title

* 5. Your Age Range:

Question Title

* 6. Your Current Family Status:

Question Title

* 7. Your Highest Level of Education:

Question Title

* 8. Your Annual Household Income Range (Before Taxes):

Question Title

* 9. Please respond by CLICKING the appropriate number on the scale from (Strongly Disagree) to (Strongly Agree).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The training session has achieved its objectives.
The materials are useful to me.
There was appropriate use of examples and exercises to help me understand the topic.
The concepts and skills presented help me in my personal development.
The trainer has good knowledge of the topic.
The trainer is able to communicate the ideas and concepts to me.
The trainer makes the topic relevant to me.
The trainer uses practical examples.

Question Title

* 10. What did you find MOST useful to you about this talk?

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* 11. What did you find LEAST useful to you about this talk?

Question Title

* 12. How can we improve on this talk?

Question Title

* 13. What other financial topics are you keen to know more about? (TICK whichever applies to you)

Question Title

* 14. Would you like to receive our (Institute for Financial Literacy) E-Newsletters?

Question Title

* 15. Please CLICK your response to each of the following statements.

  Do Not Know True False
From 01 Jan 2015 onwards, upon registration of birth of a new-born; a Medisave account is created for the child & deposited with a certain sum of money.
The maximum government matching contribution to a child’s Child Development Account (CDA) is capped at $6,000 if the child is a first born.
Tax rebate for the first child to reduce tax payable directly is $10,000.
The CPF Education Scheme allows me to pay for my child’s overseas tertiary education.
Under the Baby Bonus Scheme, the government gives a cash gift for my first child.

Question Title

* 16. How confident are you to do each of the following?

  Not Confident A Little Confident Confident Very Confident
Plan my finances as a couple.
Take care of the medical needs for pregnancy, delivery and raising a child.
Use the various support schemes to aid in the bringing up of my children.
Make use of the various tax reliefs & rebates available to parents.
Make effective use of the options available to me to fund the tertiary education of my children.

Question Title

* 17. AFTER attending this talk, what is your intention to do each of the following?

  Does Not Apply To Me No Maybe Yes I Am Already Doing This
Plan my finances as a couple.
Take care of the medical needs for pregnancy, delivery and raising a child.
Use the various support schemes to aid in the bringing up of my children.
Make use of the various tax reliefs & rebates available to parents.
Make effective use of the options available to me to fund the tertiary education of my children.