Bolivar County Head Start/Early Head Start 2016 Community Assessment

100% of survey complete.

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* 1. My child is enrolled in:

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* 2. My child is enrolled at the following center

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* 3. What service option would you prefer?

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* 4. Which of the following categories best describes your typical  employment status? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Martial Status:

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* 6. Race:

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. Education Level:

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* 9. Are you planning to re-enroll your child?

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* 10. Primary Language:

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* 11. Would you recommend Head Start/ Early Head Start to other families?

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* 12. How long have you participated in Early Head Start?

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* 13. How many years have you participated in Head Start ?

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* 14. Do you have a need for longer days (hours) of childcare services?

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* 15. Do you have a need for more child attendance days in the school year?

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* 16. When would you prefer the centers to open for Head Start child attendance?

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* 17. Are you willing to transport your own children to and from the Head Start center if you live within 2 miles from the center in exchange for the center being open longer than 2:30 p.m. or earlier than 8:30 a.m. and more days in the school year?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have a need for Early Head Start in your community? ( Early Head Start is for children ages 6 wks. to 3 years of age?

Question Title

* 19. In your opinion, does the Parent Involvement component adequately meet the community needs in the following areas:

  Yes No
Parent involvement in program planning, development, and decision -making. 
Parent are provided opportunities to learn methods which strengthen their role as the primary educator of their child.

Question Title

* 20. Does the Male Involvement program adequately meet the community needs in the following areas.

  Yes No
Fathers and other significant males are provided  activities geared toward them.
Fathers and other significant males are encouraged to interact with children at the centers.
Fathers are provided opportunities to learn ways to strengthen their roles as positive father figures.

Question Title

* 21. In your opinion, does the Special Services Department meet the community needs in the following areas:

  Yes No
Assures that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents or guardians are protected?  
Encourages and supports mainstreaming and restrictive environments in the Head Start classroom in accordance with guidelines for persons with special needs.  
Provides opportunities utilize resources, local and state wide in order to provide the child with special needs and his/her family with individual assistance as needed?
Provides opportunities for the involvement of parents in the development of their children's individual
special education or related services? 
Have provisions of transportation available to children with disabilities and their families when needed? 
In-service workshops are held for staff and parents of children with special needs for enrichment purposes and are conducted by staff or other agencies or persons. 
Each child in Bolivar County Head Start who is diagnosed having a disability will have a comprehensive file set up and kept under lock and key and will be accessible only to those professionally concerned.
Providers services to all children with special needs ( i.e., physical and/ or emotional disabilities. 

Question Title

* 22. In your opinion does the Education Department meet the community needs in the following areas:

  Yes No
Develops communication between parents and agency personnel, so that we work as partners in the education of their children.  
Give each child opportunities for success through program activities.  
Work toward recognition of symbols for letters and numbers according to the individual development level of the child.  
Involve parents in establishing program goals for the school readiness plan.  
Involves  parents  in educational activities of the program to enhance their child's education, development, and rate of progress.  
Providing information about the volunteer program in Head Start classroom.  
Provide for non- English speaking children or dual language learners? 
Delivery of services and hours of operation ( i.e., full day vs. part day vs. home base, etc.) ? 
Suggest ways in which parents may enrich classroom activities at home, eg., sing, dance, encourage creativity and self expressions, etc.  

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* 23. Opportunities exist to organize and attend special events in the center and invite parents and other community representatives to attend? 

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* 24. Opportunities exist to join community organizations and work on committees to create or focus attention on young children?

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* 25. Opportunities exist to attend conferences and workshops on the local, state, and national level?

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* 26. Opportunities exist to write, edit, and circulate newsletters, organize parents support groups, and facilitate or lead workshops?

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* 27. Opportunities exist to participate in parent and advisory groups?

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* 28. The program provides parent committee meetings and activities, which involve parents and children simultaneously, e.g., program potluck suppers, etc.?

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* 29. The program provides newsletters, which describe classroom activities, events, and " The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework"?

Question Title

* 30. In your opinion, does the Health Services Department adequately meet the needs of Bolivar County/ Early Head Start enrollees in the following area:

  Yes No
Provides physical examinations, hematocrits and appropriate follow-up services? 
Provides for completion of required immunization? 
Provides  dental examination with completion of recommended follow up services? 
Provide health education to parents, staff and enrollees?  
Provide speech screening for enrollees?  
Provides vision, hearing, and hemocraits, height/weight and screening for enrollees? 

Question Title

* 31. In your opinion, what are the most important community needs that Head Start/ Early Head Start should address when it comes to the area of Health Services?

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* 32. In your opinion , does the Nutrition Service Department adequately address the community needs in the following areas:

  Yes No
Food served s well prepared and meets the nutritional and quantity needs?   
Food service contributes to the child's developmental and quantity needs?  
Nutrition education and meals are an integral part of the total educational program?  
Meals prepared are child friendly and tasty?   
Families of children with weight problems ( high or low) are counseled & provided with resources.
Nutrition education is often fun activities for children& parents.  

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* 33. In your opinion, does the Family Services Department adequately meet the community needs in the following areas?

  Yes No
Recruiting and serving the children and families with the greatest needs?
Providing counseling and appropriate referral services to children and families?

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* 34. Services: Please indicate whether or not you feel the program is meeting the following needs:

  Yes No
Family Health Education
Job Training
Nutrition Education

Question Title

* 35. Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 your opinion of the services provided by the Head Start Program.

  1 Poor  2 Fair  3 Good  4 Very Good  5 Excellent
a. Classroom educational activities
b. Classroom set up (appearance)
c. Hours of operation for the children
d. Buses the children ride on
e. Length (time) of the bus rides
f.  Services to children with disabilities
g. Meals served to the children daily
h. The appearance of the Head Start Center
i. The quality/ skills of the Head Start staff
j. Assistance provided by Family Services ( Social Services)
k. Medical/Health services provided to the children
l. Parental Involvement opportunities
m. Community Resource Information provided to you