Diary of a Bass Plan. Survey Two: Plant Management.

14% of survey complete.
One of the most controversial issues for a bass management plan to consider is that of aquatic plant management and especially how to deal with exotic plants such as hydrilla. What do you think the draft goal should be regarding aquatic plants? Use 0 for do not include; or school-type grades with F-failing and A-excellent for how appropriate you consider each statement to be. To review the entire plan and complete a detailed survey visit MyFWC.com/BassPlan_Survey.

Question Title

* 1. Possible approaches/goals for managing aquatic plants.

  0-Don't use 1-F 2-D 3-C 4-B 5-A
Manage for multiple use realizing that flood control, water supply, navigation, fishing, skiing and joy riding are all legitimate uses of our water ways.
Manage strictly for native aquatic plants and manage exotic plants at lowest feasible level.
Emphasize mechanical control of aquatic plants, even if it is much more costly.
Emphasize biological control of aquatic plants, even if results are less certain and under/over control cannot be accurately predicted.
Manage for a healthy aquatic plant community that supports fish and wildlife communities, even if that requires some exotic plants (e.g., hydrilla may need to be managed above the lowest feasible level) and more expensive methods.
Emphasize chemical control using EPA approved herbicides, even though some people are anti-chemicals.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your e-mail, if you would like to continue to be informed about changes to the Florida Black Bass Management Plan.